
Welcome to CQ Logistics

The leading company in the fields ofLogistics Services & Trading

Welcome to CQ Logistics

The leading company in the fields ofLogistics Services & Trading

Logistics Services & Projects

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Import & Export goods

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Oil & Gaz Services supplies

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we are modern
logistics company

What We Do

(Complete Quality)

CQ Logistics is a leading logistics and trading company in the Egyptian market.

CQ Logistics offers complete freight services for our clients who export and import goods and projects.

CQ Logistics can supply Oil and Gaz companies with their different supplies.

  • packages delivered
  • store locations
  • logistics vehicles
modern logistics company

Why Choose Us

satisfied customers

faster & affordable

worldwide locations

quality & commitment

24/7 customer support

we are modern
logistics company

Latest News

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Adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt volp lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolor

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+2 02 22694747
+2 02 22694848
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Sun to Thu
9:00 - 5:00
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